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요가지도자 · 요가강사를 위한 동영상 강의 DVD 자료 시리즈 --- <4> 쿤달리니 요가(탄트라 차크라 요가) - Kundalini Yoga for Balanced Chakras

by 문화공간 아쉬람 2012. 1. 7.

요가강사 요가지도자 교육을 위한 동영상 강의 DVD 자료 모음
쿤달리니 요가, 차크라 요가, 탄트라 요가 동영상 교재 - Kundalini Yoga for Balanced Chakras

Kundalini Yoga for Balanced Chakras (차크라 균형을 위한 쿤달리니 요가)
: 구루테지 카우르(Gurutej Kaur)
발매일 : 2006년
재생시간 : 72분
언어 : 영어

설명 (영문) :
Your chakras are your body's crucial energy centers - each one essential to the health of specific organs, emotions and forces within you. Used daily, this powerful class will increase the Kundalini energy flow from the base of your spine through each chakra. With master instructor, Gurutej Kaur, you will learn sixteen asanas - a complete cycle of dynamic moving exercises and sacred chants to release blockages in each of your body's energy centers. Used daily, this powerful workout for your chakras will initiate Kundalini energy flow from the base of your spine, through each of your chakras, and into your entire biomagnetic field. Western medicine has finally begun to investigate how the body's energy fields regulate health. But how do you begin to work with those energies now? With Gurutej and Kundalini Yoga you have a complete program to unleash today your life-giving force from within.

구입 문의 : 명상·요가 전문점 탄트라