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요가지도자 · 요가강사를 위한 동영상 강의 DVD 자료 시리즈 --- <3> 임산부 요가 - 출산 후 요가 - Shiva Rea's Postnatal Yoga

by 문화공간 아쉬람 2012. 1. 7.
요가지도자를 위한 동영상 강의 : 임신부 임산부 요가 - 출산 후 요가
요가 강사들의 교육 과정 동영상 DVD 자료 정보

Shiva Rea's Postnatal Yoga (쉬바 리의 출산 후 요가)
: 쉬바 리(Shiva Rea)
발매사 : GAIAM
발매일 : 2004년 11월
재생시간 : 100분
언어 : 영어

설명 (영문) :
With Shiva Rea’s Postnatal Yoga DVD, you’ll regain your shape, strength and energy. Shiva Rea also helps you to nourish your spirit and thrive as a new mom. The most trusted postnatal yoga practice anywhere, this award-winning postnatal yoga program is designed to be both safe after childbirth and focused on muscles used in labor, delivery and caring for baby. Reconnect with your pre-pregnancy shape and lifestyle through the warmth, guidance and inspiration of instructor Shiva Rea. This program is based on Shiva’s own experiences with post-delivery, new motherhood and working with new moms of all ages and levels of physical ability. Demonstrated by three instructors at different stages of new motherhood, this practice lets you do one, two or all three segments depending on how you feel day-to-day. USA.

구입 문의 : 명상·요가 전문점 탄트라